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原创 Thorium AVX2 for Windows:高效性能的浏览器构建项目
Thorium AVX2 for Windows:高效性能的浏览器构建项目 Thorium-Win-AVX2 Repo to serve AVX2 Windows builds of Thorium. https://github.com/Alex313031/Thorium/ ...
2025-01-08 11:52:59 302
原创 Vue实现的WebApp页面切换动画项目常见问题解决方案
Vue实现的WebApp页面切换动画项目常见问题解决方案 pageAinimate vue实现webapp页面切换动画 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/pa/pageAinimate ...
2025-01-05 10:03:40 298
原创 Brother_QL_Web 项目常见问题解决方案
Brother_QL_Web 项目常见问题解决方案 brother_ql_web A Python-based web service to print labels on Brother QL label printers. Based on brother_ql: https://github.com/pklaus/...
2025-01-04 10:44:56 323
原创 Relay Subscriptions 项目常见问题解决方案
Relay Subscriptions 项目常见问题解决方案 relay-subscriptions [Deprecated] Subscription support for Relay Classic 项目地址: https:...
2025-01-04 09:26:56 810
原创 React-Progress-2 项目常见问题解决方案
React-Progress-2 项目常见问题解决方案 react-progress-2 ReactJS Progress 2 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/re/react-progr...
2025-01-02 11:18:01 377
原创 Ember Tether 项目常见问题解决方案
Ember Tether 项目常见问题解决方案 ember-tether Tether an element to another element in the DOM 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_m...
2025-01-02 11:13:03 835
原创 Gradle Slack 插件常见问题解决方案
Gradle Slack 插件常见问题解决方案 gradle-slack-plugin Gradle plugin to send messages to Slack after each build 项目地址: https://...
2025-01-02 10:00:24 799
原创 开源项目breseq常见问题解决方案
开源项目breseq常见问题解决方案 breseq breseq is a computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA resequencing data. It is in...
2025-01-02 09:42:07 866
原创 aiosmtplib开源项目常见问题解决方案
aiosmtplib开源项目常见问题解决方案 aiosmtplib asyncio smtplib implementation 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ai/aiosmtplib...
2025-01-02 09:22:42 846
原创 ui.bootstrap.contextMenu 项目常见问题解决方案
ui.bootstrap.contextMenu 项目常见问题解决方案 ui.bootstrap.contextMenu AngularJS Bootstrap UI Context Menu 项目地址: https://gitc...
2025-01-01 10:30:59 565
原创 Angular-Sortable-View 常见问题解决方案
Angular-Sortable-View 常见问题解决方案 angular-sortable-view Fully declarative (multi)sortable for AngularJS 项目地址: https://...
2025-01-01 10:05:15 682
原创 jqCron 项目常见问题解决方案
jqCron 项目常见问题解决方案 jqcron Cron jQuery plugin 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/jq/jqcron ...
2024-12-31 10:40:50 358
原创 ANNetGPGPU 项目常见问题解决方案
ANNetGPGPU 项目常见问题解决方案 ANNetGPGPU A GPU (CUDA) based Artificial Neural Network library 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_...
2024-12-31 10:25:26 261
原创 ANSI.js 项目常见问题解决方案
ANSI.js 项目常见问题解决方案 ansi.js Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/an/ansi.j...
2024-12-31 09:47:55 755
原创 Nix-Filter:轻量级源码过滤库
Nix-Filter:轻量级源码过滤库 nix-filter a small self-container source filtering lib 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ni/...
2024-12-29 11:41:15 282
原创 开源项目推荐:开源最佳实践指南
开源项目推荐:开源最佳实践指南 open-source-best-practice This is an open-source best practice for those who want to participate in open-source projects 参与开源过程中的一些最佳实践 ...
2024-12-29 10:36:10 229
原创 开源项目推荐:learn-wdl
开源项目推荐:learn-wdl learn-wdl Educational materials for learning WDL 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/le/learn-wdl...
2024-12-29 09:48:51 347
原创 开源项目推荐:Changelog CI
开源项目推荐:Changelog CI changelog-ci Changelog CI is a GitHub Action that enables a project to automatically generate changelogs ...
2024-12-28 12:00:04 223
原创 Pseudo-LiDAR: 开源三维物体检测项目
Pseudo-LiDAR: 开源三维物体检测项目 pseudo_lidar (CVPR 2019) Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving ...
2024-12-28 10:17:57 804
原创 开源项目推荐:React终端个人作品集模板
开源项目推荐:React终端个人作品集模板 react-terminal-portfolio react-terminal-portfolio :tada: A customizable template for your portfolio ...
2024-12-27 12:10:57 350
原创 ErgoWarp:一款自定义分离式键盘的开源设计项目
ErgoWarp:一款自定义分离式键盘的开源设计项目 ErgoWarp Design Log and OpenSCAD code repo for Custom Split Keyboard 项目地址: https://gitco...
2024-12-26 14:12:46 306
原创 BlackSheep:一款高效的异步 ASGI Web 框架
BlackSheep:一款高效的异步 ASGI Web 框架 BlackSheep Fast ASGI web framework for Python 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/b...
2024-12-26 13:19:59 806
原创 Yay-Evil Emacs:轻量级文本编辑器的强大配置
Yay-Evil Emacs:轻量级文本编辑器的强大配置 yay-evil-emacs ???? A lightweight literate Emacs config with even better "better defaults". Shipped with a custom theme! ...
2024-12-26 11:35:09 724
原创 Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) 项目推荐
Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI) 项目推荐 rgi Resistance Gene Identifier (RGI). Software to predict resistomes from protein or nucleotide data, including metagenomic...
2024-12-25 12:40:06 300
原创 项目推荐:Webpages to Ebook
项目推荐:Webpages to Ebook webpages-to-ebook Create an EPUB from a list of URLs. Standing on the shoulders of Wget, Readability and Pandoc. ...
2024-12-25 12:10:38 381
原创 VBA-JSON-parser 项目推荐
VBA-JSON-parser 项目推荐 VBA-JSON-parser Backus-Naur Form JSON Parser based on RegEx for VBA 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/...
2024-12-25 10:31:08 354
原创 项目推荐:Derive
项目推荐:Derive derive Generate personal heatmap from GPX/TCX/FIT/IGC data 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/de/deri...
2024-12-24 11:17:32 360
原创 PivotalMySQLWeb 项目推荐
PivotalMySQLWeb 项目推荐 PivotalMySQLWeb PivotalMySQL*Web is a free Pivotal open source project, intended to handle the administration of a Pivotal MySQL Service Ins...
2024-12-24 10:06:54 852
原创 Paper Kit 2:基于Bootstrap的开源Web UI工具包
Paper Kit 2:基于Bootstrap的开源Web UI工具包 paper-kit-2 Paper Kit is a Fully Coded Web UI Kit based on Bootstrap. 项目地址: htt...
2024-12-23 16:32:30 364
原创 Veriloggen 项目推荐
Veriloggen 项目推荐 veriloggen Veriloggen: A Mixed-Paradigm Hardware Construction Framework 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/g...
2024-12-23 15:50:26 890
原创 Directus 开源项目常见问题解决方案
Directus 开源项目常见问题解决方案 awesome-directus A curated list of awesome things related to Directus 项目地址: https://gitcode.c...
2024-12-22 11:30:04 897
原创 Laravel Octane Dockerfile 常见问题解决方案
Laravel Octane Dockerfile 常见问题解决方案 laravel-octane-dockerfile Production-ready Dockerfile for Laravel Octane powered web services and microservices. Done right. ...
2024-12-22 10:28:31 564
原创 Knodle 开源项目常见问题解决方案
Knodle 开源项目常见问题解决方案 knodle A PyTorch-based open-source framework that provides methods for improving the weakly annotated data and allows researchers to efficien...
2024-12-21 10:44:06 567
原创 开源项目 outpainting_srn 常见问题解决方案
开源项目 outpainting_srn 常见问题解决方案 outpainting_srn Wide-Context Semantic Image Extrapolation, CVPR2019 项目地址: https://git...
2024-12-20 10:18:07 627
原创 RISC-V-On-PYNQ 项目常见问题解决方案
RISC-V-On-PYNQ 项目常见问题解决方案 RISC-V-On-PYNQ RISC-V Integration for PYNQ 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ri/RISC-V...
2024-12-20 09:35:05 668
原创 项目基础介绍及常见问题解决方案
项目基础介绍及常见问题解决方案 awesome :eyeglasses: Awesome is a list of the best tools, softwares, libraries and guides for developing projects in the Node.js, ReactJS and Rea...
2024-12-19 10:38:24 352
原创 React Web Component 项目常见问题解决方案
React Web Component 项目常见问题解决方案 react-webcomponent This projects automates the wrapping of a React component in a CustomElement. ...
2024-12-19 10:20:58 749
原创 Elm-Serverless 项目使用指南
Elm-Serverless 项目使用指南 elm-serverless Maintained at: https://github.com/the-sett/elm-serverless 项目地址: https://gitcod...
2024-12-18 09:58:39 285
原创 ScienceBeam Parser 项目常见问题解决方案
ScienceBeam Parser 项目常见问题解决方案 sciencebeam-parser A set of tools to allow PDF to XML conversion, utilising Apache Beam and other tools. The aim of this project i...
2024-12-18 09:58:36 378
原创 XBMC4Gamers 项目常见问题解决方案
XBMC4Gamers 项目常见问题解决方案 XBMC4Gamers This is a skin with custom python scripts (allow each profile to have there own saves) for people that want a fancy UI for jus...
2024-12-17 10:32:07 823
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