Our culture at AppTweak is defined by four values. These values guide us in our customer support, product development and recruitment process.
As a company, our mission is to make sure to safeguard these values while offering the best working environment.
We learn from each other, learn about the business, develop new skills, and develop ourselves.
We know there isn't one best way of doing things. That's why we like to explore and try new ideas. We play seriously.
We encourage each other to come as they are and we trust their way of doing things. We value our team and customers and communicate as humans, not as machines.
We always target excellence. Our sector moves fast, and so do we: we remain on the cutting edge. We deliver strong tools and expertise that meet our users' expectations.
When it comes to opportunity and growth, now is the time to join AppTweak. We love to foster learning and encourage you to grow with our company!
We have a people-first culture. AppTweak wants you to succeed and we know you will by providing you with the resources you need!
All of our employees are eligible for 25+ paid days off per year.
We understand that you have an amazing life outside of work thus, we encourage you to leave work in the office so you can enjoy your life to the fullest!
We allow for a hybrid policy, our employees come to the office 3 times a week. The remaining 2 days can be from the office or tele-work. We allow for a couple of weeks to be taken abroad per year!
As a whole, we speak 16+ languages and 50% of women are in leadership roles at AppTweak. Diversity and Inclusion propels us to move forward.
We strive to reduce our carbon footprint and strive to reach our corporate social responsibiliy. Every quarter, AppTweak makes a donation to an organization and dedicates 1 day to volunteer and help an organization.
Once a year, the whole team gathers for 3 days of workshops and team building activities. It’s time for some fun!
82+ cakes eaten every year, lunch workshops, and a chance to discover new food recipes!
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