Solution Deployment

Private cloud Cross-plant

Function Summary

Process and process design
Intelligent scheduling
Man-machine efficiency
Equipment management
Real-time status
Production traceability

Process and process design

The process design function supports the process design of multi-process parallel combined products (such as assembly, welding, etc.). The "drag-and-drop" process design and modular process parameter input make process layout simple and intuitive, which saves time compared to traditional table format process design.


Process and process design

Carry out station-level intelligent production scheduling plan for the production order, and real-time early warning of the delivery date. The system supports exporting the plan table for the management staff's reference and analysis.


Man-machine efficiency report

The system automatically records the operating time and operating time of the operators, and intelligently summarizes a series of performance assessment reports for managers to make management judgments, and can know the efficiency of our workstations and operators.


Process interface

Process interface display is the task of the whole process is at work, the task to be working, and exception tasks, as well as product flow sluggish alarm to remind, when put into production orders, task-related processes will receive "waiting for other processes," so convenient Operators carry out work preparations in advance, which solves the shortcomings of traditional workshop materials that only start preparations after reaching the process. After the production station is reported to work, when the material does not flow to the next process in time, the process will alarm for sluggishness.


Workstation interface

Station interface display is the task of the job at this station, intelligent system made production planning and alarm to remind the job timeout, when the workers in question may call the manager; administrator privileges can enter exception handling, system support site scrapped, turned around, and so on more than 10 single-plug exception handling, instant scene to solve the problem of flexible production.


Device management module

GongHeng MES system integration, and maintenance of content plans will remind managers of planned maintenance in accordance with the laws of time, temporary maintenance can also be entered, intelligent systems forming apparatus can record and export the spreadsheet for analysis.


Live monitoring

The digital workshop board is part of the MES system, which provides real-time workshop status and early warning display. If the server is connected to the public network, the WeChat applet supports synchronized board data (registration and purchase services are required), and the intelligent manufacturing MES system supports real-time status table export For details


Production traceability

Gongheng Precision Intelligent Manufacturing MES system automatically records the operation content of each operator, station machine, and inspector, and intelligently summarizes and generates files for our managers to export, view and analyze at any time, so that people, machines, materials, methods, Quality traceability of the ring.

Benefits show

Constant power precision intelligent manufacturing systems for the enterprise MES upgrade to digital, paperless production while reducing management costs, enhance collaborative workshop process efficiency.
  • Shorten product planning cycle

  • Reduce waste of resources planning schedule

  • Reduce the number of stranded products

  • Subcontractor in advance the amount of time redundancy

  • Enhance collaboration between process efficiency

  • Improve manufacturing efficiency and quality


Worry-free cooperation

Can be customized according to characteristic requirements
One-time charge
Implementation costs compared to traditional industrial software 30%
Go online quickly
Implementation and training time is only 5% of traditional industrial-grade software
Flexible configuration
No need to equip developers and sensors to complete the configuration quickly
Convenient operation
Regardless of the cultural level of the workers, one day of training, get started immediately

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