办公空间类 现代办公空间 5429 0 2019-12-23
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戴尔,作为世界上最先进的IT巨头之一,中国的业务一直在过去的几十年中茁壮成长。随着中国业务的快速增长,戴尔上海办公室已经扩大了好几倍,为了便于管理,戴尔决定将上海所有的办公室和实验室合并为一个总部办公室,并计划设计出一个代表前瞻性企业的形象。 戴尔上海办公室第一期需求350个工位,设有接待处,配套设施如会议室,会客室,存储室,IT室和复印室。此外,按最新办公室设计增设休息室及休闲协作区。 一般来说,新办公室要求发挥高效并提供高生产率的功能。 但是,除了这些实际考虑之外,健康的工作环境是一个非常重要的课题。考虑实用性和创造性之间的平衡是建立现代办公室工作模式的重要前提。通过提供不同的工作功能区,设计出如专注工作,协作,休闲会议和项目团队的工作区域,是保证健康工作环境的重要因素。
整个设计要体现一个现代化、高效、健康的办公空间,并为戴尔提供了全新的前台形象。最终用户的价值如下所示: 前台 线性清晰的白色大理石前台柜台设计,使每个访客体验出清晰而专业的企业形象。客户等候区则位于前台对面,用胡桃木饰面,墙上LED显示屏可播放DELL的宣传产品。 办公室、协作区、会议室、电话室 开放区设有便捷的共享工作站,可以根据不同的业务部门将其分成不同的团队使用。为了保护隐私,沿走廊设置了橱柜,还有白板和插钉板,供大家讨论时使用。 动线设计清楚简单,2个主动线廊道上设有3-4个休闲会议区、电话亭和个人工作协作区,可提供不同的工作模式。人们能在此会面、聊天,员工之间可以多交流互动。在这里,同事之间可以开展简短的、自发的会议,这里的工作台和会议桌,给员工提供了轻松友好的环境。装有吊灯的开放式天花板营造出别致舒适的氛围。 食堂 食堂设有沙发凳、吧台区、普通高桌等不同的座位方式,是办公室里一个放松的好聚集地。开放式天花板上装了六边形的照明灯,更有空间感。墙上贴上员工聚会照片,增加员工们的归属感。
1. 该项目设计共 1000万元,历时3个月投入使用。 2.戴尔上海办公室室内设计由DPWT设计组完成。 3. 戴尔上海办公室的具体设计流程如下: 1) 现场勘察及与业主沟通:DPWT人员通过施工现场的勘察,了解了现场的情况。通过与业主的沟通,了解业主的需求,为设计构想做准备。 2) 平面图与效果图制作:DPWT室内设计组根据现场勘察和与业主沟通的结果,先进行了平面图和效果图的制作,在内部评审完毕后,提交给业主审核,在与业主多次沟通后,得到了业主的认可。 3) 施工图的制作和装修材料的选择:根据业主认可的平面和效果图,制作施工图;由于业主的预算资金有限,室内设计组在材料的选择上下了很大的功夫,在满足设计效果的基础上,选择环保的材料。 4) 施工阶段:DPWT在此阶段,积极配合施工单位,对现场发生的有关设计方面的事情,及时解决。每周召开工程例会,发表进度报告,按现场实际情况及时更新设计图纸。 5) 竣工及投入使用:工程顺利竣工,装修效果达到了预期,投入使用时,得到了顾客的认可。
该项目的总建设期为3个月。 由于上海最新的消防报审和法定提交程序变得更严格,最终的法定提交和检查时间比以前更长,还需要延长两个月的时间才能完成。
1. 该项目完工后,业主对装修效果、设备性能、环保、安全、工期控制等给予了充分的肯定和赞许。非常希望能再有机会与DPWT合作,已将DPWT纳入业主公司的金牌供应商名录。 2. 该项目的成功,为DPWT和 DELL将来的进一步合作做了很好的铺垫,DPWT与业主结下了非常牢固的合作关系和友谊。 3. 该项目的设计效果,在业界起到了很好的广告效益,DPWT的出色工作能力也给业主的客户留下了非常良好的印象。为DPWT在与其他公司合作的项目上提供了潜在商机。
Project Description
DELL, as one of the most Avant IT giant companies in the world, has extended its footprint in China in the past several decades. The office in Shanghai has been expanded several times following the rapid growth of business in China and DELL determines to consolidate all offices and laboratories in Shanghai into a single regional headquarter office for easy management and to project a forward-looking corporate image to the world. The brief is to accommodate the normal requirement of workstations (350 number), reception, supporting facilities like meeting rooms, conference rooms, stores, IT rooms and copy rooms. Besides, some laboratories like easement room and leisure collaboration area are also provided It is a pre-requisite condition for new offices nowadays to be functional, efficient and yet delivering high productivity. However, besides these practical considerations, a wellness working environment should also be a very important issue in the design manifestation process. The balance of practicality and creativity is important in establishing a working model for office in this epoch. The importance of the wellness working conditions by providing different way of working conditions such as focus working, collaboration and leisure meeting and project team working. All these new design concepts are employed for their office in Shanghai.
User Value
The whole design has delivered a modern, efficient and wellness office with a totally new look of reception for Dell. the value towards the end user is listed as below: Reception The reception counter is designed in a linear clear console to welcome everyone. The white marble projects a clear and professional image. The customer waiting area is opposite to the reception counter which is decorated with walnut strip backdrop and a LED to broadcast DELL achievement and promotional items. General office, collaboration area, meeting room and phone room The open area can facilitate the sharing of workstations and divide into different teams according to different business units. Cabinets are provided along the corridor for privacy concern. White board and pin board are provided along the corridor for short discussion. The circulation is designed in a clear and efficient planning pattern. 2 main circulation corridors are formed with 3-4 collaboration areas for leisure meetings, phone booths and individual working area to provide different variety of working mode. People can meet, chat and it encourages having social integration among the staff. Short, spontaneous meetings among colleagues can be held here, which provides a relax and inviting environment with working bench and meeting tables. Open ceiling with pendent lightings gives a chic and airy ambience. The different way of working can highly increase the productivity and encourage the idea sharing and exchange. The dynamic setting of each collaboration area becomes a focus gathering place in the office. Canteen Canteen is a relaxing and good gathering place in the office. Different way of seating like sofa bench, bar area and normal height table are provided. The open ceiling with hanging hexagonal lighting accentuates an airy environment. Team building photos are posted in the canteen to increase the ownership.
Business Performance
In order to meet the low budget, the whole design is not to select expensive material like marble, instead, long lasting, recycle and environmental material like metal environmental wood veneer and recycle carpet. Rubbish are all carefully classified and disposed in different containment. The cost is a balance of interior decoration and the E/M services to ensure both wellness and practical function concern can both be met.
Social Impact
This Dell office highly promotes a multi working mode with variation style. It encourages people to work in different areas with flexibility to increase the working efficiency. Dell sets up a new standard for workplace model and this will evitability influence the other cooperates to provide better working mode and facilities for their staff.
Team Structure
The project is in charged by three core teams including interior, E/M and QS. In the beginning, the design team will work closely with client to provide options of layout, 3D rendering, material sample to settle the design proposal. Once confirmation is granted, the project management team will work with E/M engineers and QS to have construction drawing and quotation for client approval. During construction stage, designer and engineer will closely monitor the project progress to ensure due completion. Regular and ad-hoc meeting will arrange to ensure good communication to solve site problem.
1. The construction fee is 10 million with 3-month construction time 2.The interior fitting out part of the Dell Shanghai Office designed by DPWT Design Ltd. 3. The design process of the Dell Shanghai Office is as follows: 1) Site inspection and discussion with client: DPWT carry out site inspection to have an understanding of site condition. Communication with the client to understand their needs and prepare the onwards design concept. 2) Layout plans and renderings: According to the result of site survey and the communication with the client, DPWT then prepare the drawings and renderings with internal review. The final confirmation is granted after around 3-4 presentations. 3) Construction drawings and selection of materials: the construction drawing was prepared after the approval of layout plans and renderings by client. 4) Phasing of construction: regular site inspection is conducted in weekly basis 5) Completion of construction and opening: the final outcome receives a very positive feedback from client.
Project Investment
The overall construction period of this project is 3 months. Due to the latest FS and statutory submission procedure being strengthened in Shanghai, the final statutory submission and inspection time is longer than before and it take an additional 2 months to complete.
Project Achievements
1. The final outcome of this project receives a very positive feedback from client and the other DELL project in different locations in China adopted this new type of design approach 2. The success of this project not only enhances DPWT's status in the client side, but also underpinning a good cooperation foundation between the two parties in the future. 3. The design effect of this project, not only acts as an advertising project to showcase DPWT design ability, but also provides the potential business opportunities for DPWT in joint projects with other companies


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