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    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)
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    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)01
    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)02
    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)03
    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)01
    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)02
    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)03
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    2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用)

    这是一份2023年中考英语真题分类汇编——专题30 语法填空(全国通用),文件包含专题30语法填空全国通用解析版docx、专题30语法填空全国通用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

     专题13 语法填空

    Niejiazhuang Village in Weifang is famous for colored clay sculpture handicraft (泥塑手工艺), which dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The Weifang government has 1 (encourage) local people to learn traditional handicraft and make more money to get rid of poverty(脱贫).
    Nie Peng 2 (be) a young villager in Niejiazhuang. He is crazy about clay sculpture handicraft. He began learning it from his father when he was 3 child. He has led lots of young craftsmen (手艺人) in and near 4 (he) village to make colored clay sculptures and the handicraft has become an important way for local people to get 5 (rich) than before.
    The tiger is a typical subject for colored clay sculptures. Nie 6 (start) to learn to make clay tigers in 2010, the Year of the Tiger. Over these years, he has seen the development of the art form. 7 first, the clay tigers were all of the same small size. Now there are tigers of different 8 (size) and the largest can be over two meters tall. The tigers used to be colored pink and green, but now have become more colorful.
    Today Nie cares for the future of clay sculpture handicraft 9 encourages young craftsmen to create more works. He 10 (real) hopes that the sculpture handicraft will be passed down to the next generation.

    Kendall Rae Johnson spends a lot of time playing in the dirt. She has 11 huge garden that produces over 100 pounds of food each year!
    Kendall Rae 12 (begin) gardening at age three, when her great-grandmother gave her some fresh collard greens. Kendall Rae says, “Grandma Kate told 13 (I), ‘Don’t throw away the stems, because if you put them in the ground, they will grow back.’” She tried it and the stems 14 (real) grew new leaves.
    Soon after, her parents put in a backyard garden. 15 her friends came to their house, Kendall Rae enjoyed sharing what she knew about farming. She says, “My friends would help me water 16 care for the plants. They started to enjoy farming, too.” At age six, she became the youngest certified farmer 17 her hometown.
    Today, her garden has grown to include sixty plant beds and twelve 18 (tree)! When the vegetables and fruits are ripe(成熟), Kendall Rae sells some of them 19 (make) money. She also invites people who don’t have enough food to take what they need. “If 20 (many) kids join us, our community will surely become better,” says Kendall Rae. “Growing food takes a lot of work, but together we can do it.”
    My favorite teacher is Mr. Zhao. He has made 21 big difference in my life. I was 22 (real) shy and nervous on the first day at school. But Mr. Zhao was 23 kind that I soon forgot about that. In 24 (he) first class, he asked us to draw a picture of ourselves.
    When he 25 (get) to my desk, he looked at my picture and said, “Wow! I like those bright 26 (color)! That’s great!” I felt 27 (relax) at once. Mr. Zhao is patient and he always 28 (tell) us not to worry about giving wrong answers. Also, he shows us how to learn 29 our mistakes. Now I am in the 30 (nine) grade, and I’m leaving school. I will remember all the suggestions he has given me.

    An idol is someone who we respect or love. However, unlike many of my classmates, my idol is not a film star, a famous writer or a sportsman, my idol is my dad.
    Most people believe that a man 31 (go) out and work. However, when I was only a five-year-old boy, I was 32 (serious) ill and needed attention all the time. My dad knew how much my mum loved her job, so he stopped 33 (work) to stay at home and look after me. Many men in this situation would want their 34 (wife) to stay with the child, but my dad always thinks about 35 (other) before himself. This made me start to respect him.
    My dad later took a job and worked at night. He chose the job so that he would only be out of the house when I was sleeping. Since then, my dad 36 (help) and supported me in everything I do. I remember when I was learning to ride a bike, my dad ran behind me and held the back of the bicyele so that I would not fall. I 37 (feel) so safe because I knew he was near. Soon, I was able to ride by 38 (I).
    My family is not rich, and we do not own a big house or an expensive car. My dad has shown me that something is 39 (important) than money. Although he now works hard every day and is often very busy, he always makes time 40 (stay) with me. He helps me with my homework, and plays games with me on weekends. He has also taught me that I can achieve anything if I really work hard on it.
    My dad is my idol because he showed me the most important things in life.
    You don’t need to wait until you’re an adult to take part in community service. You can develop good habits now. Community service is a great way to make 41 difference in your neighborhood. You also can enjoy 42 (spend) time with friends and meeting new people. Here are some ideas for you to start 43 (quick).
    Do you play an instrument or love to draw? Offer to give free concerts at a senior center or spread your love of art by giving 44 (lesson) to younger children. You can never imagine 45 happy you will be after that.
    Do you live near a public park? You can volunteer 46 (plant) or clean up the park. You’ll bring pleasure 47 everyone who uses the park.
    Do you know any sick or disabled people in your neighborhood? Offer to do yard work for 48 (they). Sweep the floor and 49 (do) the dishes. Or just stop by for a friendly visit with some food.
    Does your school encourage a buddy (伙伴) system? You can set up buddy systems which connect older children with 50 (young) ones. Buddies often spend time together reading books. Helping a young person grow into a smart reader is a gift that keeps on giving.
    Lixia, or the Start of Summer, is the 51 (seven) of the 24 Chinese solar terms (节气) which falls on May 6 of this year. It symbolizes (象征) the passing from spring 52 summer.
    With the heat of summer, plants and crops will begin to grow much 53 (fast). So farmers are always happy to welcome the arrival of Lixia. This is 54 best time of the year to plant early rice in the southern part of China. Chinese has plenty of old sayings 55 are used to warn people not to be lazy during this period of time.
    In China, people celebrate the day of Lixia in different ways. For example, in some places people cook “Five-Colored Rice”. Usually, it 56 (make) from five kinds of beans (豆)—mung bean, red bean, yellow bean, black bean and green bean. It stands for people’s good wishes for a colorful life. People also have the custom of 57 (eat) some different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On the day of Lixia, children will wear a bag with an egg around their necks in some areas. This is believed to help keep 58 (they) safe and healthy. Other 59 (tradition) of Lixia include the singing of beautiful folk songs. And people also weigh themselves on Lixia. When the summer 60 (pass), they’ll weigh themselves again to see how many pounds they have lost during the hot season.
    Traffic School
    Have you ever driven through a red traffic light? Have you ever parked in the wrong place or driven 61 (fast) than the speed limit (限制)? The answers are probably “yes”. Every year 62 (thousand) of drivers become “offenders”-they break the rules of the road. But 63 are the punishments for this offence?
    In most countries drivers have to pay a fine (罚款), 64 (usual) $100—$300. But in the USA, Australia and some 65 (Europe) countries offenders also get points on their driving license. After they get 66 certain number of points, they can’t drive.
    Life is difficult when you can’t drive. So far some states in the USA 67 (introduce) a new way to avoid this-Traffic School. Offenders have a choice: They can get points on their license 68 they can do a course at Traffic School.
    Traffic Schools run “driver improvement courses”. They cost about $100 and take from four 69 twelve hours. Most people do the course in a classroom, but in some states drivers can do the course online. Drivers learn the rules of the road and they learn how 70 (be) better drivers. They don’t have to take a driving test, but at the end of the course they have to pass a written examination.

    Dancing with the Light
    A few years ago, I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou. During the visit, my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones, towards 71 walls of the gardens. Mostly white, some parts of the walls are losing small 72 (piece) of their covering. This creates space in which light and plants can be 73 (see). The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens, but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.
    The memory of the white walls stayed with me. I kept 74 (imagine) how many shadows (影) could be collected by them to dance with the light. This fantastic moment was so lively 75 I came back to explore it with my camera.
    Working 76 (free) with these walls and their marks, I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there. Weather and time have turned these 77 (amaze) white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.
    I 78 (take) the photos during the month of June, just after the rain. The air was full of small drops of water, showing the light and the color 79 the things around. As color was born out of a dance between light and a body, when photographing in color I found 80 (I) enjoying a moment of this dance.

    Our family bought a new smart TV set last week. It is 81 (real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do 82 the old one. Then I 83 (see) an advertisement (广告) for Tech-Help. Tech-Help donates smart TV sets to people who need them.
    84 far, Tech- Help has donated (捐赠) 85 (many) than 2,000 smart TV sets to different families across the country. Last year they gave smart TV sets to poor families. 86 is very easy to donate smart TV sets to Tech-Help. Yesterday, my brother 87 I took the old smart TV set to a local shop. Two 88 (hour) later, Tech-Help collected it from the shop. They will clean the smart TV set and make it better.
    Right now, Tech-Help is giving smart TV sets to families in Xinjiang. There are about 50 families on the 89 (wait) list. They believe they will get the smart TV sets soon. I’m 90 (excite) we could do something to help others!
    Many people often leave their hometowns to work in the cities. Zhang Bin, 91 46-year- old man from Huaihua, is one such person. He 92 (work) in a shoe factory in Wenzhou. He 93 (real) misses his hometown.
    More and more hometowns are developing 94 (fast) than before. Large hospitals and new schools are built. There are many new roads and 95 (bridge). This has made traveling between villages 96 cities much easier. Thanks to the new roads around his village, Zhang Bin will now be able 97 (open) an online shop that sells delicious food from his hometown.
    Zhang Bin thinks the changes 98 (be) great in his hometown. He is very happy about the new school in his village. 99 , he believes that one thing will never change — the lovely old tree. The hometown is the place that holds 100 (he) best memories.

    When Reshma Kosaraju was 12, her family 101 (move) from Chicago to Northern California. Soon after, the Camp Fire started. “It was one of 102 (big) fires in California history,” Reshma, now 17, told TIME for Kids. 103 her school was about 320 kilometers south of the fire, students still had to wear masks (面罩) because 104 the smoke. “It is an unusual experience for me, because I have never 105 (real) experienced this problem,” she said. So she hoped 106 (deal) with the problem. Later she created a 107 (use) way to predict forest fires with artificial intelligence (人工智能). Her method is nearly 90% right. “ 108 realized that if I could succeed, the results could make 109 big difference. For example, the environment can be helped and many 110 (life) can be saved,” Reshma said.
    Tina is a thirteen-year-old middle school student. Last year, she went to 111 summer school in France and stayed with a local family, the Truffauts.
    At first, things didn’t go well 112 she couldn’t speak French. Simple things like finding the right bus stop became big problems. The Truffauts helped her a lot and treated her like part of the family. They played 113 (game) and shared traditional food with her. Tina was helpful as well. She did some housework with the family every day. On the weekend, she 114 (join) a community club and did volunteer work. For most of the time, she used body language to communicate. People showed 115 (they) thanks with smiles and she would always smile back. Language was not a problem 116 her any more. As a new member of the club, Tina 117 (invite) to have parties with the other members. Day by day, she made more friends. Tina began 118 (love) her new life. “A smile is a second language we were born to speak. It is also the best gift I have got,” she often said 119 (proud).
    Smiles and a helping hand can always make people 120 (close) than a language can.

    During this year’s May Day holiday, Yemeni (也门) student Mohammed Saleh Ahmed and his Chinese friends visited Pingyao ancient city in Shanxi Province. They even experienced the ancient way of getting money in the 121 (early) bank of China.
    “The historical relics (遗迹) in China’s ancient 122 (city) have made me want to learn more about the country’s past,” Mohammed said. In recent years, tourism industries have developed 123 (rapid) and these relics have become new favorites of tourists.
    Xinzhou ancient city in Shanxi, with a history of more than 1,800 years, 124 (have) over 500 stores and restaurants. During the five-day holiday, Xinzhou ancient city received more than 400,000 visitors.
    “ 125 (I) restaurant is always busy. During the peak (高峰) season, the yard is 126 (crowd) with tourists waiting for dinner,” said Wang Guodong, a businessman 127 owns a restaurant in Xinzhou ancient city.
    Geng Yeqiang, an expert from Shanxi University, said that historical relics can form a cultural tourism circle during their protection and development. The process can increase local economic(经济的) growth. 128 expert also said, “At the same time, relics protection organizations and the tourism organizations should work together 129 (make) this economic model better.
    When a modern city meets its old past, not only can the tourism be developed better, but the local culture and history can also 130 (know) by more people.
    School gardening 131 (be) now very popular. Parents and teachers all like these hands-on lessons very much.
    Students are 132 (excite) about the gardening lessons, too. The lessons give them a new way 133 learning and help them relax.
    The children don’t have to sit at 134 (they) desks all day. The gardening lessons teach them something that they can’t learn in the classroom. Also, they have a chance 135 (move) outside and get hands dirty.
    Teachers ask students to take gardening 136 (serious). In gardens, students watch carefully with a purpose. They can see the 137 (begin), the middle and the end of the project. However, some schools don’t have enough space for a garden, so the lessons can be 138 (give) in the community gardens or parks.
    “Gardening is 139 important subject,” many teachers say, “It not only lets students know where our food comes from, 140 also makes them have more love for the earth. Gardening is not just a hobby, it’s a life skill.”

    When May Day comes, it means that people will have several vacation days. Are you sorry for not traveling during the vacation this year? If you stayed at home, I think you made a good 141 (choose). Why? Because there were a lot of people in many 142 (place) of interest in China. They were too crowded for the people to have a good time.
    It was 143 (report) that there were over 100,000 people on Mount Tai on May 1st, 2023. You couldn’t take photos for you or 144 (you) friends. You even had no place to rest. A friend of mine 145 (tell) me he could see nothing except lots of people on Mount Tai. “We couldn’t walk if the people 146 front of us didn’t walk,” He said. He showed me a photo taken on Mount Tai. In 147 photo, I hardly found him, because there were so many people.
    So some people advise that we should just stay at home 148 (avoid) too many people. However, other people disagree with them. They think it’s 149 (excite) to go traveling. I love staying at home more 150 traveling. What’s your idea?
    Hanfu has become popular again in recent years. A growing number of young people in China are starting to wear the 151 (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. The style has even attracted some foreigners. One of them is Rian, a young man from Brazil.
    Rian lives in Xi’an. Two years ago, he came to the beautiful city and became 152 English teacher at a kindergarten. After 153 (see) many people wearing Hanfu in the streets, Rian developed a strong interest in it and wanted 154 (try) it on himself. “My first taste of Hanfu was the Tang style. 155 is fun to wear it,” said the young man. “Today, it is still my favorite Hanfu style.” Every time he puts it on, he feels as if he has travelled back to ancient times.
    Since then, Hanfu has helped Rian learn more 156 China. In the past, the only thing he 157 (know) about the country was that it had a long history and a rich culture. But now Hanfu has shown him more details about Chinese culture.
    He wants to share his feelings with friends both in China 158 abroad, so he begins to make short 159 (video) of himself trying on Hanfu and posts them up on Western social media platforms. It has 160 (quick) become a hot hit on the Internet. He spreads Chinese culture in his own way.

    One day at school, something strange caught Ann’s attention. Lily 161 (quick) put a bag in her own desk, making Ann feel unusual. Later, she saw Lily secretly give something 162 Cindy under the desk. It seemed that they decided 163 (do) something without her. Ann thought, “How can my best friend plan something without inviting me?” Even though they were still 164 (friend) to her, she was a little upset.
    On the bus ride home, Ann avoided 165 (sit) next to Lily on purpose. She noticed Lily giving an envelope to someone else, which made her even more upset.
    Later that evening, there was 166 knock on Ann’s door. There stood Cindy from next door, inviting her to Lily’s party. 167 first, Ann didn’t want to go and said no to her, explaining that they were no 168 (long) friends. But Cindy kept asking Ann to come along.
    When they arrived at Lily’s house, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” Ann hardly 169 (believe) that. Lily smiled and said, “Tomorrow is your birthday!” Ann was 170 moved that tears filled her eyes. She said thanks and hugged Lily.

    It was the fifth day of our Italian journey. We arrived at our hotel 171 (early) than usual. Dad offered to take us to the ancient city of Pompeii. I didn’t really want to go 172 I had no interest in old cities.
    We travelled there by train. On the way, Dad told us something about 173 history. Many years ago, Pompeii was a large city near a volcano(火山). The volcano broke out and 174 (complete) covered the city in ash(灰). About twenty thousand people 175 (kill). But the buildings remained there. And now, 2,000 years later, people around the world come here 176 (see) how people lived all those years ago.
    I had thought it was boring to visit the 2,000-year-old 177 (house), but I was wrong. They were very interesting! Most of their rooms 178 (have) fine paintings all over the walls. I was also amazed at the bathrooms. I’d love a big bathroom in our house— 179 (our) is so small!
    Dad usually makes bad plans but this time he gets it right, finally. 180 a surprise! I got really interested in Pompeii. In fact, I’ve got lots of ideas for our house when we get home!
    China is the birthplace of tea. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Chinese tea makers have developed 6 main kinds 181 tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. There are more than 2,000 tea 182 (product) in China.
    Tea was originally used as herbal (香草的) medicine 183 (call) “tu”. During the treating process, people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness 184 also help to clear heat away, so tea became 185 necessary drink. Nowadays, tea is one of the world’s three major drinks. It 186 (enjoy) by people all over the world. Tea can be found everywhere, such as in family activities, workplaces, teahouses and restaurants. It is also an important 187 (communicate) medium for making friends, weddings and other activities. So far, Chinese tea culture 188 (become) an important part of Chinese culture.
    On November 29th, 2022, China’s traditional tea-making was 189 (successful) added to the intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录) of the UNESCO. China now has the 190 (many) items (项目) on the list. The move will help protect and hand down Chinese tea culture. It also helps foreign people have a better understanding of Chinese tea, as well as Chinese culture.

    语法填空 阅读下面短文,在文章空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Basketball is 191 active and much-loved sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. So far, the “Village Basketball Association” at Taipan village in Guizhou has 192 (get) tons of attention. The final game of the Guizhou country basketball league (联赛), known 193 “Village BA”, took place on March 27. The winner was Team Qiandongnan and prizes for the team 194 (be) bags of rice, fish and ducks. The players were not 195 (profession). Most of them were farmers from local villages and nearby cities. More than 30,000 people from across the country poured into the small village to watch the game. Even a single 196 (sit) was hard to get. People knocked on iron pots and bowls to cheer for players. Villagers performed folk songs and 197 (dance) in the halftime show.
    Since 2016, the local government has worked 198 (hardly) to build new standard basketball courts (篮球场) to support basketball development. Taipan has now been a model place of rural vitalization (乡村振兴) in 199 (sport) and tourism (旅游业). In the summer of 2022, about 500,000 visitors came here to watch “Village BA” games. It brought great benefits (收益) to the village.
    Zeng Jinlong, a 17-year-old villager, has watched the games 200 he was 6 years old. He said, “I dream of taking part in the ‘Village BA’ final one day.”

    How can I become a better person? This question has been in my head for long. As students, we spend most of our time 201 (study). I know that learning at school 202 (make) us better persons, but I always dream of doing more.
    Last year, I got to know a group of autistic (患自闭症的) children. We called 203 (they) “the Snails”. It was hard to communicate with them at first, because they wouldn’t like to. After 204 two-week training, I became more skilled and got 205 (close) to them day by day. I also received much 206 (please) when playing with them. What’s more, I found that every one of “the Snails” had his or her own talent. And their colorful pictures on the wall caught my special attention, 207 it was difficult to tell what they were trying to express.
    208 (deep) moved by their pictures, I decided to hold a charity (慈善) sale. We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures. 60 pictures 209 (sell) that day. People thought their pictures were full 210 imagination.
    Back to the question about how to become a better person, I think I’m lucky enough to get my own answer.


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