
him是什么-him是什么 东西

him是《我的世界》里的反派角色;在各大动画背景故事中,HIM的形象为一心想除掉杀害Notch和 史蒂夫,窃取王位,继而统治方块大陆。其性情阴险、无情、孤僻。但在一些版本中是作为英雄出现,比如与实体303的一些战斗中。在《动画人生》中,HIM以史蒂夫的镜像出现。






问:him是什么时候出现的?答:him是一个乐队的名称,出现的时间是1991年。他们来自芬兰,是芬兰最著名的摇滚乐队之一。歌曲风格主要以重金属和摇滚为主,有着独特的个性和风格,同时也深受各国乐迷的喜爱。问:他们的音乐风格有哪些特点?答:him的音乐风格有很多特点,比如他们使用了许多未修饰的吉他音色,这使得他们的音乐非常吸引人。同时,他们的歌曲也非常情感化,歌曲的歌词和旋律都十分有感染力,能够触动人们内心的某些情感。问:他们最出名的歌曲是哪些?答:他们最出名的歌曲包括《Join Me》,《Wings Of A Butterfly》,《The Funeral Of Hearts》,《Killing Loneliness》等等。这些歌曲都在全球范围内受到了高度的赞誉,在各国的音乐排行榜上都取得了很好的成绩。问:他们的主唱是谁?他们的队员都有谁?答:him的主唱是维利永(Ville Valo),他是芬兰最著名的歌手之一。他的声音温暖而低沉,非常适合唱摇滚歌曲。他创作了大部分的歌词和旋律。其他成员还包括Mige(贝斯手)、Linde(吉他手)、Burton(键盘手)和Gas(鼓手)等人。问:他们现在还在活跃吗?答:他们在2017年宣布了解散的消息,这意味着他们不能再作为一个乐队一起演出了。然而,他们的歌曲在各大音乐平台上仍然非常受欢迎,许多人仍然喜欢听他们的歌曲。

【英文介绍/For English】:

him is the villain in "My World"; in the background stories of the major animations, the image of HIM is to kill Notch and Steve, steal the throne, and then rule the cube continent. Its temperament is insidious, ruthless, and withdrawn. But in some versions it appears as a hero, such as in some battles with Entity 303. In Animated Life, HIM appears as Steve's mirror image.

him is the villain in "My World"; in the background stories of the major animations, the image of HIM is to kill Notch and Steve, steal the throne, and then rule the cube continent. Its temperament is insidious, ruthless, and withdrawn. But in some versions it appears as a hero, such as in some battles with Entity 303. In Animated Life, HIM appears as Steve's mirror image.

my world

"My World" is a 3D first-person sandbox game. The world presented is not gorgeous pictures and special effects, but focuses on gameplay. Players do two things in the game, "construction" and "destruction", but by combining and piecing together Lego-like building blocks, it is easy to make cabins, castles and even cities, but if you add the player's Imagination, cities in the sky and underground cities can all be realized.
