
tlc 医学上是什么 意思

TLC在医学上是指将供试品溶液点样于 薄层板上,经展开、检视后所得的色谱图,与适宜的对照物按同法所得的色谱图作对比,用于药品的鉴别或杂质检查的方法。



Q:TLC 是什么意思?A:TLC 是英文“Tender Loving Care”的缩写,意为“温柔呵护、关爱”。Q:TLC 这个词最早出现在哪里?A:TLC 这个词最早出现是在20世纪50年代,主要是被用于医疗护理领域,指医生对病人的“温柔呵护、关爱”。Q:TLC 这个词在现实生活中的应用有哪些?A:现在,TLC 这个词已经成为了一种文化符号,被广泛应用于各个领域,比如个人关系、教育、商业等等。比如,在情感关系方面,TLC 意味着耐心和关爱,让对方感受到温暖和安心;在教育领域,TLC 意味着重视学生个体的发展和关心他们的成长;在商业领域,TLC 意味着重视顾客需求,提供周到的服务和良好的体验等等。Q:TLC 这个词还有其他含义吗?A:除了“温柔呵护、关爱”的意思之外,TLC 这个缩写在不同领域中还会有其他的意义。比如,在音乐领域中,TLC 是一支美国女子节奏布鲁斯和嘻哈音乐组合的名字;在家居装修领域中,TLC 是一种家居装修风格,代表“乡村风格”、“海滨风格”等。无论在什么场合,关爱和关心总是让人心存感激和温暖。因此,我们希望在以后的生活中,都可以发扬 TFC 的精神,让更多的人能够感受到温柔和关怀。

【英文介绍/For English】:

TLC in medicine refers to the chromatogram obtained by spotting the test solution on a thin-layer plate, unfolding and inspecting it, and comparing it with the chromatogram obtained by the same method as a suitable control substance, which is used for the identification or identification of drugs. Method of impurity inspection.

TLC is also called thin layer chromatography. Spread the adsorbent or carrier evenly on the glass plate, plastic plate or aluminum substrate to form a uniform thin layer, after spotting and unfolding, compare with the chromatogram obtained by the same method on the same plate as the appropriate control substance, and then It can be scanned with a thin-layer scanner, which is used for the identification of drugs, the inspection of impurities or the method of content determination. According to the separation mechanism, it can be divided into adsorption, distribution, ion exchange, gel filtration and other methods. It is suitable for the separation and identification of trace samples, and has the characteristics of fast separation speed and high separation efficiency.