
2020年的 幽默搞笑 段子

1、去幼儿园接女儿,看到女儿在哭,问怎么回事?女儿:“ 老师打我!”我:“不行!我得找老师,再不听话也不能打孩子呀!”女儿拉着我,说:“爸爸,老师是母老虎,还是不要找了吧!”我:“那也不行!”我进教室跟老师急了,结果我被老师揪着耳朵出来了。老师:“回家看我怎么收拾你们爷俩!” 
















【英文介绍/For English】:

1. I went to the kindergarten to pick up my daughter, saw her crying, and asked what happened? Daughter: "Teacher hit me!" Me: "No way! I have to find a teacher. If you don't obey me, you can't beat the child!" My daughter pulled me and said, "Dad, the teacher is a tigress, so don't look for it!" I : "That doesn't work either!" I went into the classroom and got anxious with the teacher, but the teacher pulled me out by the ear. Teacher: "Go home and see how I clean up the two of you!"

2. When I was a child, every time I walked at night, I always felt that someone was following me, so I developed the habit of turning back after a few steps. Ten years later, I became a tango teacher. 

3. There is no fire in the simulated fire, and there is no earthquake in the simulated earthquake, so why is there an exam for the simulated exam? Not scientific. 

4. People who are good-looking will be inexplicably attached to many attributes, smart, kind, and cute... There is only one word for those who are sloppy: steadfast! 

5. I have a pair of twin girlfriends. They feed me every day, help me bathe, dress me, play games with me, and spend many lonely nights together. I can't leave them, and they can't leave me. Such a happy event sounds so sad for Mao. 

6. What should I do if I don't want to do laundry. Just get a daughter-in-law. If the daughter-in-law is virtuous, she will do the laundry for you; if the daughter-in-law is tough, you will learn to do the laundry. 

7. I was on the phone with my boyfriend yesterday, but the line was suddenly disconnected for some reason. After a while, the guy called me again, and before I could speak, he said: Can you lose weight? Tell yourself, how many times has it been this month? A smile touches the hang up button! 

8. The highest state of love is when your boyfriend looks like a bun and is afraid of being taken away by a dog. 

9. When I was a child, I went to school with the girls in the village. I don't know why the two loli got into trouble. This one pulled me and said, who do you want to be with? That pulled me and said, you have to be nice to me, I am in a dilemma. The next day, her husband and wife held hands and were affectionate. It's also that there is no overnight feud between Lolita. She just ignored me. Why? 

10. Interviewee: "Young man, do you think you can handle different jobs? Job seeker: "There should be no problem. In less than 6 months, I've had 12 different jobs. "How many employees does your unit have? 11. There are only 10 to be exact. Because there is always someone squatting in the toilet. "