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美['levl]  英['levl]
n.  数量;等级;水平;水平线
adj.  平的;等高的
v.  弄平;夷平;对准
adv.  <废>水平地
  副词:levelly  名词:levelness  过去式:leveled/levelled  过去分词:leveled/levelled  现在分词:leveling/levelling  第三人称单数:levels


  1. 标准,水平,水准
  2. 级别,等级,层次
  3. 水平线,水平面,平面
  4. 高度,地位
  5. 水准测量
  6. 水平仪,水准仪
  7. 平地
  8. 水平状态
  9. 程度
  10. 水位
  11. 【物】能级
  1. 冷静的
  2. 平稳的
  3. 平坦的,水平的,平的
  4. 同高度的
  5. 均匀的,平均分布的
  6. (程度、水准、级别)相同的,同水平的,同程度的
  7. 【电】等位的
  8. 【音】平调的
  9. 平直的
  10. 保持一定水平的,恒定的
  11. 诚实的
  12. <口>公平的
  13. 并进的
  1. 对准,用(武器)瞄准
  2. 使平坦,夷平,弄平,(使)平整,推平
  3. 使成水平,使成平面
  4. 使同等, 使划一,使平等
  5. 拉平
  6. 废除
  7. 用水平仪测量高度
  8. 推倒,毁坏,摧毁
  9. 击倒
  10. 坦率诚实地对待, 坦率相待
  11. 把...对准
  12. 使相似
  13. 创造人人机会均等的局面
  14. 谴责
  1. <废>水平地,平坦地
  2. 一直
  3. 同样高
  4. 势均力敌地
  5. 平衡地


  1. [C]水平线,水平面;水平高度 line or surface parallel to the horizon, especially with reference to its height
  2. [C]数量,强度 position on a scale of quantity, strength, value, etc.
  3. [U]水平,等级 relative position in rank, class or authority
  1. 平的,水平的,平坦的 having a surface which is the same height above the ground all over
  2. 同高度的;同程度的 equal in position or standard
  3. 平稳的,坚定的 steady and unvarying
  4. 清醒的,冷静的 clean-headed;sane
  1. vt. 使平(坦);变平 make or become level or flat
  2. vt. 使…成平面;变成平面 bring or come into a horizontal plane


  1. a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality;

    "a moderate grade of intelligence" "a high level of care is required" "it is all a matter of degree"

  2. a relative position or degree of value in a graded group;

    "lumber of the highest grade"

  3. a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process;

    "a remarkable degree of frankness" "at what stage are the social sciences?"

  4. height above ground;

    "the water reached ankle level" "the pictures were at the same level"

  5. indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
  6. a flat surface at right angles to a plumb line;

    "park the car on the level"

  7. an abstract place usually conceived as having depth;

    "a good actor communicates on several levels" "a simile has at least two layers of meaning" "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"

  8. a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale;

    "what level is the office on?"

  1. having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another;

    "a flat desk" "acres of level farmland" "a plane surface" "skirts sewn with fine flat seams"

  2. not showing abrupt variations;

    "spoke in a level voice" "she gave him a level look"

  3. being on a precise horizontal plane;

    "a billiard table must be level"

  4. oriented at right angles to the plumb;

    "the picture is level"

  5. of the score in a contest;

    "the score is tied"

  1. aim at;

    "level criticism or charges at somebody"

  2. tear down so as to make flat with the ground;

    "The building was levelled"

  3. make level or straight;

    "level the ground"

  4. direct into a position for use;

    "point a gun" "He charged his weapon at me"

  5. talk frankly with; lay it on the line;

    "I have to level with you"

  6. become level or even;

    "The ground levelled off"


  1. draw level扳平
  1. average level一般水平,平均水平
  2. early level初级阶段
  3. general level一般水平,总的水平
  4. high level高水平
  5. international level国际水准
  6. low level低水平
  7. mental level智力水平
  8. ordinary level普通水平
  9. the national level国家水准
  10. the same level同一水平
  11. top level高层次
  12. usual level通常的水平
  13. various level各种水平
  1. college level大学水平
  2. energy level能量级
  3. eye level齐眼的高度
  4. ground level地平面
  5. high school level高中水平
  6. sea level海平面
  7. state level〈美〉州级水准
  8. water level水平面
  9. world level世界水平
  1. above level高于…水平
  2. at a level在某一水准
  3. the government at all level各级政府机关
  4. at the same level在同一水平上
  5. on a level with与…相等,和…同一水准
  6. on the level在平地上,公平,不耍花招
  1. level against对(某人)提出控诉
  2. level at(用枪)瞄准,将…的矛头指向
  3. level the rock into the hole用杠杆把岩石撬进坑里
  4. level to the ground把…夷为平地
  5. level with和…一样高,向(某人)说实话
  1. level the pitch平整场地
  2. level the road平整道路
  1. fairly level相当平坦
  2. quite level十分平坦
  1. level continuously不断地平整
  2. level conveniently方便地平整
  3. level endlessly无休止地平整
  4. level exactly恰好整平
  5. level fairly适当地平整
  6. level roughly粗略地整平
  7. level smoothly平整得很光滑
  8. level tiresomely令人疲倦地平整
  9. level unevenly整得不平
  10. level uniformly均匀地平整
  11. level down将…向下整平,使…向低水平下降
  12. level off将…弄平,使平稳
  13. level out平坦起来,达到平衡〔稳定〕,消除(差别等)
  14. level up向上填平,将(收入等)向上拉平
  15. level a road up把路填高
  16. level up the prices提高物价


  1. Levels of unemployment vary from region to region.失业情形各地不同.
  2. We each perceive the outside world differently according to our level.我们每个人对外在世界的感觉,因个人等级不同而有所差异。
  3. We must increase production levels.我们必须提高生产水平。
  4. The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea level.这座山的山顶海拔三千米高。
  1. A football field should be level.足球场地应该平坦。
  2. The two picture is not quite level that one is higher than the other.这两幅画挂得不一般高, 这幅比那幅高。
  1. We need a mechanical digger to level the ground.我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
  2. The bombing raid practically leveled the town.空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为平地。
  3. The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head.一枝步枪瞄准着人质的头。


    level用作形容词的基本意思是“平的,平坦的,水平的”,也可指“同高度的”或“同程度的”。引申用于目光、声音等可表示“平稳的,坚定的”,指人的头脑可译为“清醒的,冷静的”。 level可用fairly或quite修饰。
    level的基本意思是“把…弄平”,使之与水平面相吻合或平行,也可指与相邻物处于同一平面,引申可指各组成部分或两种事物之间没有显著差别,或者相等。 level通常只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。


  1. 我因英语水平低而感到惭愧。

    I'm ashamed of my low English level.

    I'm ashamed of my poor English.

    把“英语水平低”译作low English level是汉语式英语,正确的翻译应该是poor English。

  • level是什么意思
  • leveler是什么意思
  • levelheaded是什么意思
  • leveling是什么意思
  • leveller是什么意思
  • levelling是什么意思
  • levelly是什么意思
  • levelman是什么意思
  • levelpeg是什么意思
  • lever是什么意思
  • leverage是什么意思
  • leveret是什么意思

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