Virus Strain MacIntyre
Host Cell Baculovirus (Sf-9)
Cell Line Characterization Mycoplasma negative
Purity Infected cell extract enriched for viral proteins
Inactivation Greater than 90% by SDS-PAGE
Supplied In Phosphate Buffered Saline, 6M Urea pH 7.4
Protein Concentration 2.2 mg/ml
Fill Volume 45 碌l (H1V133-100) or 450 碌l (H1V133-1)
ELISA (IgG) Titer >1:64,000
Western Blot Titer 10 碌g/cm
Reference and/or Additional Reading J. Virol. Methods (1986), 14:111

H1V133-100    HSV-1 Glycoprotein G - 100 碌g        $323.03 each         Add to cart

H1V133-1    HSV-1 Glycoprotein G - 1 mg        $1,149.75 each         Add to cart

ELISA Results

Antigen is Virusys # H1V016 HSV-1  Infected Cell Extract AND H1V133 Recombinant HSV gG-1 coated at various dilutions in PBS. Primary antibodies are human plasmas previously characterized for HSV-1 IgG serology. See SOP-138 for procedure.


SDS-Page and Western Blot Results

Antigen is Virusys # H1V133 HSV-1 Recombinant gG at 10 碌g/cm. Primary antibody is H1A020-100 HSV-1 gG Monoclonal Antibody. See SOP-128 for procedure.

SDS-PAGE and Western Results

This product is intended for research and manufacturing uses only. It is not a diagnostic device. It is supplied frozen on dry ice - upon receipt, store at -70掳C. Product degradation will result from multiple freeze/thaw cycles. It is suggested that the antigen be stored in use size aliquots and thawed just prior to use. Storage at 2 - 8掳C for up to twelve hours is acceptable for unused portions.