treatise是什么意思 treatise的翻译、中文解释

  treatise是什么意思 treatise的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  词组搭配:write/publish a treatise (写作/出版一篇论文),scientific/legal/philosophical treatise (科学/法律/哲学论文),a treatise on (关于…的论文)




  1. His treatise on linguistics was widely respected by his peers.(他的语言学论文受到了同行的广泛尊重。)

  2. Locke’s treatise on government was a fundamental work on political philosophy.(洛克的论文是哲学的一项基础工作。)

  3. The professor spent years working on his treatise on particle physics.(教授花了多年时间研究他的粒子物理学论文。)

  4. The new treatise on climate change will be presented at the conference next week.(有关气候变化的新论文将在下周的会议上发布。)

  5. His treatise on ancient Greek philosophy is still widely read today.(他有关古希腊哲学的论文现在仍然广为阅读。)

  6. The treatise on musical composition was considered revolutionary when it was first published.(当音乐作品的论文首次出版时,它被认为是性的。)

  7. The book is a treatise on the art of flower arrangement.(这本书是关于插花艺术的论文。)

  treatise [‘t?it?s]

  n. 论文;专题著作


  1. Locke’s “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” is a clic treatise in philosophy. (洛克的《人类理解论》是哲学领域的经典著作。)

  2. Newton’s “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” is a seminal treatise in physics.(牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》是物理学领域的划时代著作。)

  3. Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” is a groundbreaking treatise in biology.(达尔文的《物种起源》是生物学领域的开创性著作。)

  treatise在英语中代表”论文 、论述”的意思,在英美地区还有”论文”的意思,发音是[‘tri:tis],treatise常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到80个与treatise相关的句子。


  例句:Regarding the poverty, continency and obedience of religious orders, we will discuss the life of three vows in the church today in the light of Aquinas’s treatise. (关于修会会士的贫穷、贞洁、服从,我们以圣多玛斯所谈论的内容来探讨今日教会的三愿生活。)


  例句:Introduction expounds the above problems, meanwhile it also educes the topic contents of the treatise. (导论在阐述以上问题的同时,引出本文所要论述的主题内容。)


  例句:The diagnosis and treatment on the probable syndrome expresses the characteristic of the combination of disease and syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Diseases (shanghanlun). (《伤寒论》或然证的论治,同样体现了《伤寒论》病证结合的诊疗特色。)


  例句:”Jemima Puddleduck” is a treatise on enterprise. (翻译:《杰迈玛泥潭鸭》是一部关于企业的专著。)

  treatise一般作为名词使用,如在learned treatise([网络] 学习论文)、polemical treatise(论战文集,辩论集)等常见短语中出现较多。

  learned treatise[网络] 学习论文polemical treatise论战文集,辩论集1. The diagnosis and treatment on the probable syndrome expresses the characteristic of the combination of disease and syndrome in Treatise on Febrile Diseases (shanghanlun). (翻译:《伤寒论》或然证的论治,同样体现了《伤寒论》病证结合的诊疗特色。)

  2. “Jemima Puddleduck” is a treatise on enterprise. (翻译:《杰迈玛泥潭鸭》是一部关于企业的专著。)

  3. The chapter Taiyang disease is an important component in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases. (翻译:太阳病篇是《伤寒论》主要组成部分。)

  4. And we know this because the first treatise on the astrolabe, the first technical manual in the English language, was written by Geoffrey Chaucer. (翻译:因为第一份有关星盘的著作, 第一份用英语写成的说明手册, 是由杰弗雷·乔叟写成的。)

  5. Or Pliny The Elder wrote a treatise theorizing that amber went from liquid to a solid, (翻译:或者是老Pliny 他的论文指出 琥珀会从液态凝结成固态)

  6. The most notable legal treatise in the century is Littleton’s Tenures. (翻译:该世纪最著名的法学著作是利特力顿的《土地使用》。)

  7. It is an impiety to deliver to the knowledge of a great number, a treatise full of divine majesty. (翻译:一篇充满神的最高权威的论文就会以不虔诚地方式递送大量知识。)

  8. In the Panarion, his epic treatise against heresy, Epiphanius gives us many details about the Ebionite lifestyle. (翻译:在他反对异端的史诗著作《帕那里昂》中,埃皮法尼乌斯给了我们许多伊便尼派生活的细节。)

  9. Systema-tic indexes recommended in this treatise are more suitable for indicating the characteristics of profile fibers. (翻译:文中推荐的系统指标比较适合于表征异形纤维的特征。)

  10. Aristotle set out to answer exactly that question over 2,000 years ago with the Treatise on Rhetoric. (翻译:早在2000多年前,亚里士多德就通过关于修辞的专门论述 开始回答这个问题了。)

  11. “Jemima Puddleduck” is a treatise on enterprise. (翻译:其中,《杰米玛鸭妈妈》是一本有关企业的论著。)

  12. In the Panarion, his epic treatise against heresy, Epiphanius gives us many details about the Ebionite lifestyle. (翻译:在他反对异端的史诗著作《帕那里昂》中,埃皮法尼乌斯给了我们许多伊便尼派生活的细节。)

  13. Acts 1 : 1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. (翻译:徒1:1提阿非罗啊,我已经作了前书,论到开头一切所行所教训的。)

  14. Don’t worry Mimi, I’m going to write an anti-war treatise in the castle. (翻译:不要担心, 我会在里面写一篇反战论述的)

  15. and my fell of hair would, at a dismal treatise, rouse and stir as life were in’t. (翻译:听人讲恐怖的故事 我的头发也会像活了似地 立起来)


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