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来源: 日期:2018-12-17










Research Team of Industrial Design

The industrial design team of Xiangtan University is a group of young researchers who are full of inspiration, energy and creative thinking. Nowadays we have 10 full-time staffsincluding1 professor, 3 associate professors and 6 lecturers. With the efforts of all team members, Hunan Mechanical Intelligence Product Industrial Design Center was established. The master degree of Industrial Design Engineering was issued by the Ministry of Education. Our team cooperated with Institute of Industrial Design (Shunde)to jointly establish the graduate training base. The team ownshighlights, specialty and design advantages in aspects of space equipment, intelligent products, construction machinery and cultural creativity.

In December 2013, our team successfully won the bid of the National Manned Space Project "Industrial Design of the spacesuit ".This project helps us toopen the door of China Astronaut Center and under take quite a few industrial design projects for China Space Station. Many team members had an excellent performance in these projects. Dr.Jianping Luo completed the "industrial design project of the spacesuit ".Dr.Jiangyong Li undertook "industrial design of space station toilet" and "industrial design of plant cultivation device for  Tiangong No.2"; Associate Professor Conggang Yu completed "industrial design of space station medical experimental cabinet and single machine products". AssociateProfessor Xiang Yao completed theYouth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation about aerospace products. The industrial design project of spacesuit launched by Dr. Jianping Luo has attracted wide attention, due to it plays a vital role for astronaut spacewalk. Recently, team members have undertaken more than 30 government projects and enterprise projects, as well as many awards in worldwide industrial design competitions. They have won more than 60 domestic and foreign awards including Reddot, IF, Braun Prize, Challenge Cup, Lotus Prize, National Undergraduate Industrial Design Competition and so on.

Prof. Qiucheng Ma, as the team leader, lead the team to establish a strongly cooperative bond with China Astronaut Center and assist in the completion of many industrial design projects. He led the completion of the "Industrial Design Project of Astronaut Rescue Devices ".So far, he has undertaken many projects including the National Natural Science Foundation project, Hunan Province Natural Science and Technology Foundation project. He designed lotus seed centering machine and lotus seed edge-opening machine, which was awarded the second prize of Hunan Province Technology Invention and Hunan Province Science and Technology Progress second prize He has gained 15 patents., and has been selected as Xiangtan Industrial and Technology Leading Talents in 2016.


上一条: 湘潭大学“绿色合成与催化”研究团队 下一条: 湘潭大学红色旅游创新发展研究团队

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