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2021-02-05 16:38  


姓 名:吴玉龙


专 业:材料化工



邮 箱: wylong@tsinghua.edu.cn


2001/09 天津大学 化学工艺博士

1998/07 天津大学 有机化工硕士

1994/07 武汉理工大学 精细化工学士

2003/09-今 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院 助理研究员、副研究员、研究员

2007/07–2008/10 德国萨尔兰大学物理化学研究所 访问学者

2001/09–2003/09 清华大学化工系 博士后

1994/07-1995/06 四川东方绝缘材料厂(东材集团) 技术员






2019/01–2023/12 藻类生物质的催化水热液化及所得生物油的催化水热改质关键问题研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 21838006)

2018/12–2022/12 含毒害组分的典型工业污泥/精馏釜残热化学安全转化与资源化利用,国家重点研发计划项目(No. 2018YFC1902100,任项目首席科学家)

2018/01–2021/12 负载双金属的多级孔ZSM-5分子筛催化藻类水热液化制芳烃的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 21776159)

2016/01–2019/12 MOF材料催化的藻类生物油超临界加氢改质的研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 21576155)

2014/01 –2017/12 藻类水热液化过程中水相有机组分的催化转化高效利用研究.国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 21376140)

2013/11–2015/02 Catalytical Upgrading of Bio-crude Obtained by Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Aviation Fuels.欧洲空客集团合作项目

2012/01–2015/12 亚/超临界水-醇介质中微藻与塑料共液化制备高品质燃油的研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 21176142)

2008/12–2013/07 罗布泊盐湖资源综合开发利用-水氯镁石间接脱水技术研究. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目(No.2008BAB35B05)

2008/06–2012/05 含氯塑料废弃物的全组分高效资源化利用技术.国家“863”课题(No.2008AA06Z342)

2006/01–2008/12 超临界条件下TS-1催化丙烯环氧化反应的研究.国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.20506011)


2019年 中国发明创业奖 人物奖

2018年 中国产学研合作创新奖 个人奖

2017年 科学中国人2016年度人物 人物奖

2015年 中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术奖科技进步奖 二等奖 低品位资源的可控热化学转化

2012年 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划


2019/01-今 国际期刊Frontiers in Chemistry (IF=4.155) 客座副主编

2017/12-今 中国化工学会工程热化学专业委员会 委员

2017/12-今 中国化工学会超临界流体专业委员会 委员

2017/09-今 国际期刊Carbon Resources Conversion(Elsevier-科学出版社出品) 编委

2016/09-今 中国能源科技产业学会 副会长

2009/06-今 中国能源科学会 理事、专家委员会委员


1. Yuying Zhao, Hong Cao, Chunli Yao,Rui Li*, Yulong Wu*. Synergistic Effects on Co-pyrolysis and Co-liquefaction of Cellulose and Lignite. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 299(1):1-8.

2. Xiaoxiao Yang, Zewu Fu, Duoduo Han,Yuying Zhao, Rui Li*, Yulong Wu*. Unveiling the Pyrolysis Mechanisms of Cellulose: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Renewable Energy, 2020, 147:1120-1130.

3. Xiaoxiao Yang, Duoduo Han;,Yuying Zhao, Rui Li*,Yulong Wu*. Environmental evaluation of a distributed-centralized biomass pyrolysis system: a case study in Shandong, China .Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 716:136915.

4. Lilong Zhang, Keli Chen*, Yulong Wu*, et al. Isolation of micro-cellulose from rice straw using super-extended soda-oxygen cooking combined with high-intensity ultrasonication. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(18):15238-15246.

5.Yang Xiaoxiao, Zhao Yuying, Li Weipu, Li Rui*, Wu Yulong*. Unveiling the pyrolysis mechanisms of hemicellulose: Experimental and theoretical studies. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(5):4352-4360.

6. Duoduo Han, Xiaoxiao Yang, Rui Li*, Yulong Wu*. Environmental impact comparison of typical and resource-efficient biomass fast pyrolysis systems based on LCA and Aspen Plus simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 231:254-267.

7. Yanchun Shi, Rui Li, Qingru Shen, Mingde Yang, Yulong Wu*. The selective production of jet fuel range alkanes via the catalytic upgrading of palmitic acid over Co/HMCM-49 catalysts. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55:12096-12099.

8. Hao Chen, Weihua Pu, Yulong Wu*, et al. Phenol catalytic hydrogenation over palladium nanoparticles supported on metal-organic frameworks in aqueous phase. ChemCatChem, 2018,10:2558-2570.

9. Yu Chen, Rentao Mu, Mingde Yang, Lina Fang, Yulong Wu*, Kejing Wu, Ya Liu, Jinlong Gong*. Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction for bio-oil production over CNTs supported metal catalysts. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 161(1):299-307.

10. Lin Qisong, Wu Kejing, Chen Yu,Yin Tang, Wu Yulong*, Yang Mingde. Catalytic HTL of Microalgae for Bio-oil Production over Silylated SBA-15 with High Hydrothermal Stability. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(49):14454-14462.

11. Kejing Wu, Yang Mingde, Chen Yu, Pu Weihua, Hu Hu-sheng, Wu, Yulong*. Aqueous-phase ketonization of acetic acid over Zr/Mn mied oxides. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63(7):2958-2967.

12. Haiqing Wang, Hao Chen, Bing Ni, Kai Wang, Ting He, Yulong Wu*, and Xun Wang*. Mesoporous ZrO2 Nanoframes for Biomass Upgrading. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9(32):26897-26906.

13. Yaya Cao, Yanchun Shi, Junmei Liang,Yulong Wu*, Shaobin Huang*, Jianlong Wang, et al. High iso-alkanes production from palmitic acid over bi-functional Ni/H-ZSM-22 catalysts. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 158(1):188-195.

14. Yanchun Shi, Enhui Xing, Yaya Cao, Mingjuan Liu, Kejing Wu, Mingde Yang, Yulong Wu*. Tailoring product distribution during upgrading of palmitic acid over bi-functional metal/zeolite catalysts. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 166(1):262-273.

15. Hao Chen, Yulong Wu*, Suitao Qi*. Deoxygenation of octanoic acid catalyzed by hollow spherical Ni/ZrO2. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017, 529(1):79-90.

16. Yanchun Shi, Enhui Xing, Kejing Wu, Jianlong Wang, Mingde Yang, Yulong Wu*. Recent Progress on Upgrading of Bio-oil over Metal/Zeolite Bifunctional Catalysts. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7(12):2385-2415.

17. Kejing Wu, Mingde Yang, Weihua Pu, Yulong Wu*, Yanchun Shi, Husheng Hu. Carbon promoted ZrO2 catalysts for aqueous-phase ketonization of acetic acid. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(4):3509-3516.

18. Yanchun Shi, Yaya Cao, Yanan Duan, Hao Chen, Yu Chen, Mingde Yang, Yulong Wu*. Upgrading of palmitic acid to iso-alkanes over bifunctional Mo/ZSM-22 catalysts. Green Chemistry, 2016, 18:4633-4648.

19. Kejing Wu, Yulong Wu*, Yu Chen, et al. Heterogeneous catalytic conversion of biobased chemicals into liquid fuels in the aqueous phase. ChemSusChem, 2016, 9:1355-1385.

20. Ranran Ding, Yulong Wu*, Yu Chen, et al. Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Palmitic Acid over Bifunctional Co-doped MoO2/CNTs Catalyst: an Insight into the Promoting Effect of Cobalt. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6(7):2065-2076.

21. Junmei Liang, Ranran Ding, Yulong Wu*, et al. Effective conversion of heteroatomic model compounds in microalgae-based bio-oils to hydrocarbons over β-Mo2C/CNTs catalyst. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016, 411(1):95-102.

22. Yu Chen, Yulong Wu*, Ranran Ding, et al. Catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction of D. tertiolecta for the production of bio-oil over different acid/base catalysts. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(4):1118-1128.

23. Xiuyun Wu, Yulong Wu*, Kejing Wu, et al. Study on pyrolytic kinetics and behavior: the co-pyrolysis of microalgae and polypropylene. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192:522-528.

24. Ranran Ding, Yulong Wu*, Yu Chen, et al. Effective hydrodeoxygenation of palmitic acid to diesel-like hydrocarbons over MoO2/CNTs catalyst. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015,135:517-525.

25. Kejing Wu, Ji Liu, Yulong Wu*, et al. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of aquatic biomass using thermogravimetric analyzer. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 163(1):18-25.

26. Ruili Yang, Yu Chen, Yulong Wu*, et al. Production of Liquid Fuel via Coliquefaction of Coal and Dunaliella tertiolecta in a Sub-/Supercritical Water-Ethanol System. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(5):2619-2627.

27. Yu CHEN, Yulong WU*, Peiling ZHANG, et al. Direct Liquefaction of Dunaliella tertiolecta for Bio-Oil in Sub/Supercritical Ethanol-Water. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 124(1):190-198.

28. Shuping Zou, Yulong Wu*, Mingde Yang, et al. Bio-oils production from sub- and supercritical water liquefaction of microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta and related properties. Energy & Environmental Science, 2010, 3(8):1073-1078.

29. ZOU Shuping, WU Yulong*, YANG Mingde*,et al. Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of the marine microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta using thermogravimetric analyzer. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101(1):359-365.

30. Shuping Zou, Yulong Wu*, Mingde Yang*, et al. Production and characterization of bio-oil from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta cake. Energy, 2010, 35(12):5406-5411.


1.吴玉龙,唐寅,陈宇,杨明德,刘吉,陈镇,胡湖生. 一种具有水热稳定性的介孔催化剂、其制备方法及其催化水热液化微藻制备生物油的方法:中国. 201610111402.8, 2018.05.15.

2.吴玉龙,王建龙,张作义,陈镇,李富,陈宇,杨明德,吴宗鑫,张平. 一种利用高温气冷堆对生物原油进行加氢精制的方法:中国. ZL 201510685589.8,2017-05-10.

3.吴玉龙,陈宇,杨明德,陈镇,胡湖生,党杰,刘吉,张培玲. 一种微藻直接液化制备生物燃油的方法:中国. ZL 201210097564.2,2015-09-23.

4.吴玉龙,陈宇,杨明德,党杰,华德润,胡湖生,陈镇,刘吉. 一种生物质与废塑料共裂解制备燃料油的新方法:中国. ZL 201210084387.4,2014-12-24.

5.吴玉龙,杨明德,林飞,党杰,陈镇,胡湖生,刘吉,邹树平. 从杜氏盐藻中提取类胡萝卜素和液化制生物燃油的方法:中国. 200910238784.0,2013-09-13.

6.吴玉龙,芮果,杨明德,党杰,史雪君,胡湖生,陈镇,刘吉,陈宇. 一种用于氯化氢制氯气的整体式催化剂及其制备方法:中国. ZL201010188586.0,2012-02-08.

7.吴玉龙,杨明德,陈镇,党杰,刘吉,胡湖生. 一种固体酸催化和超临界萃取耦合的糠醛制备的方法及装置:中国. ZL 200910078035.6,2011-08-17.

8.吴玉龙,杨明德,陈镇,党杰,胡湖生. 一种流化床中含氯塑料废弃物资源化全组分利用的方法:中国,ZL 200710098912.7,2010.9.29.

9.杨明德,吴玉龙,胡湖生,党杰,陈镇,张建安. 一种从中和液中分离乙酰甲胺磷的方法及装置:中国,ZL 200610113741.6,2008-12-03.

10.杨明德,吴玉龙,党杰,胡湖生,王欣昌,何培炯. 一种废水中二甲基甲酰胺的回收方法:中国,ZL 200510086784.5,2007-05-23.

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